Thursday, February 24, 2011

I imagine this is how the circus ships elephants...

...just in bigger crates.

BACKSTORY:  As previously hinted, we have recently decided on some new furniture for the living room.  Now, because we (okay, *I*...but I'm going to persist in saying "we" because it seems less marginalizing to the XY member of this family) do all of our furniture shopping online **because one can shop online while working as a doctor at one of the ten best hospitals in the country**, we have become very acquainted with shipping fees, handling charges, our Fedex guy (Ronnie), cardboard boxes, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and styrofoam.

So, I didn't bat an eye at the possible packaging that this guy (actually, 'these guys', because we bought two) might come in.

That was, until they got here... in crates...

Like for elephants.

Getting them out required a crowbar.  At least the elephants probably walk out of their crates on command.

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